Wednesday, 23 October 2013

John Davis (Independent candidate)

From John Davis .(Independant)
Reference questions to candidates of by'election .  I am replying to your questions in the form of a general statement ,as this will make it quite clear, and easy for people to understand my response .
   As an independant councillor I will be able to listen to and respond to the needs and opinions of the people I represent .As I am an experienced councillor who has served on the city council for 9 years, and have been involved with a number of voluntary organisations for many years .My record speaks for itself .
  As I am not a member of a political party I can put the interest's of the ward and the city as my priorities, and I am not just a puppet who has to put the party agenda first .I am free to vote with my conscience without fear or favour . I am always willing to speak with any resident, or be pleased to attend any community group meetings to discus any issues or concerns that are relative to the area or to our city.
   I believe that local councils should concentrate on local issues as they have no say in national decisions taken by M.P's and parliament .I am concerned that the cuts made to local bus services have created problems for residents who have to walk long distances to bus stops , and have no services in the evening .
  I have always been opposed to the council going into debt of 50+ million's £ to move the council to Hanley . It seems that it has taken a long time and a vigorous campaign to make the council see some common sense , which was obvious to most people .If there was 50 million pound's available it should be used to maintain local front line services and local council offices in the community .
  If elected I would like to be remebered for listening and acting for the people I represent, and not being afraid to oppose bad decisions and bad policies .
  If the resident's of the ward are happy with my performance, and as I have long term connections in the area I would stand for this ward again in 2015.
Best Regards
John Davis (Independent candidate)

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