Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Planning Meeting on New Civic

Council Planning Meeting Tuesday 19th March 2013
Considering application 54398/FUL
Councillors present - (sat on left side of the chamber)
Paul Shotton,
Terry Follows,
Adrian Knapper,
Shazad Hussain,
Jack Brereton
Andy Platt,
Janine Bridges
Amjid Wazir
Councillor Tom Reynolds chairs the meeting from the Mayors seat.
Hazel Macready Planning Case Officer.
At least 2 other people next to Reynolds, but not sure of their names
Representing GENR8, sat on the right of the chamber-
Mr Michael Clark, RHWL Architect and one other I think is James Sheppard from GVA, but I'm not certain.
All Councillors are asked to declare conflict of interests to determine any question of predetermination.
Councillor Jack Brereton admits to being at the March on Stoke.
Hazel Macready, Planning Case Officer, demonstrates a plan view of the site on the digital projector system, and gives some background information. She gives a quick precis of the application. I believe there is a copy of the notes on the Planning webpage.

Hazel Macready says there have been no reported bat sightings in the areas so they've decided not to do a Bat Survey.
Site drainage will use attenuation tanks.
She says there will be no car parking provided on CBD area.
Some parking available on Broad Street
Councillor Reynolds states that non of the 25 public objections against the Planning application are relevant.
A consultation with the organization "Places Matter" is mentioned.
Each Councillor has a turn to ask questions.
Councillor Shotton asks about traffic control measures for vehicle access to the site.
Mr Clark, suggests a Full time Traffic Access Management Team allowing access to disabled visitors and deliveries.
Cllr Shotton asks about a crossing on Potteries Way.
Mr Clark mentions the Highways Department and the building of a Super-Crossing.
Cllr Shotton is concerned about the coloured glass casting coloured light into the building.
Mr Clark, reassures him the it won't. Later in the meeting 2 pieces of coloured glass are passed around for the Councillors to inspect.
Councillor Platt is surprised and says he had expected members of the public to be speaking against the application.
He says something like- "I guess that's the nature of protest."
Councillor Platt asks about the practicality of including a District Heating Pump system at a later date.
There was no conclusive answer from Mr Clark.
Cllr Platt asks about achieving a BREEAM Excellent rating which needs a score of 71 or more.
Mr Clark, suggests the Council is getting a lot of technology for their money.
Councillor Follows asks for assurance that the building won't suffer the same problems as the Stafford County Council new build, where tiles have fallen off.
Mr Clark, says he can't be asked to account for another architects mistakes.
Councillor Shazad Hussain asks about the number of disabled parking bays.
Councillor Bridges asks for reassurance that the architects will be supporting the entire project.
Mr Clark, says they expect to provide ongoing "cradle to the grave" support.
She asks the architect how he came up with the design and the choice of colours.
Terracotta was the original colour of the first design, before the Claris Cliffe idea.
One of the Councillors asks about the maintenance of the exterior glass.
Mr Clark, suggests the building will require a weekly window clean.
Councillor Reynolds speaks before asking for final comments.
He says the design had been described as a "Marmite" building. Some people describe it as an icon or a landmark. Others say it sticks out like sore thumb. He says it not to his taste.
Each Councillor is asked for comments before voting.
Only Councillor Bridges admits to liking the design, but she is concerned that it might end up looking like the orange Fine Fare car-park in Newcastle-u-Lyme.
The other Councillors say that the appearance of the building is not to their taste, but that doesn't mean it isn't "iconic."
Councillor Platt asks Councillor Reynolds if legislation allows for "plebiscites."
Councillor Reynolds says that under the Localism Act, the public have no recourse. If they don't like it they can have their say at the next election.
Councillor Follows attempts to say that he doesn't see the need for the headquarters move. He is curtailed by Councillor Reynolds who says "Thank you for the Party Political Broadcast."
Councillor Knapper says he hopes there won't be any listed buildings "accidentally" knocked down while no-one is looking. He says this happened on the Unity House build.
Mr Gray says he doesn't believe that kind of thing could happen these days.
Councillor Knapper thanks GENR8 reps and says it is one of the best presentations they have had.
All voted in favor.
Next meeting of Development management group 2nd April
Chris Nightingale

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