Our Councillors views on the £55M New Civic Centre

Councillor Bagh Ali
7-9 Harcourt Avenue, Meir, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 5LX
Home: (01782) 343246
Home mobile: 07973 848428
Work: bagh.ali@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Muhammad Aumir
188 Ruxley Road, Bucknall, Stoke-on-Trent, ST2 9BS
Home mobile: 07886 581082
Work: muhammad.aumir@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Kath Banks
15 Wenham Drive, Meir Park, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 7QG
Home: 01782 399759
Home mobile: 07790 699379
Work: kath.banks@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Jackie Barnes
14 Greyswood Road, Trent Vale, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 6LG
Home: 01782 845619
Home mobile: 07813 539410
Work: jackie.barnes@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Paul Breeze
7 St John Street, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 2HP
Home: (01782) 279684
Work: paul.breeze@stoke.gov.uk
Has submitted the below motion to the Full Council meeting 23rd January.

In view of the dire economic circumstances, globally, nationally and in particular, devastatingly, locally in Stoke-on-Trent, and in light of widespread public disapproval of the council’s previous decision to borrow £40m, and rising, of taxpayers money to relocate the civic headquarters from Stoke Town to Hanley, this council:

1) radically rethink it’s overall strategy of the future regeneration of the city centre and the city of Stoke-on-Trent as a whole, and whilst the strategy is revised, the £40m proposed borrowing for the Central Business District contained in the council approved capital programme be suspended.

2) request the Cabinet to rescind the decision to move the civic headquarters from Stoke Town to Hanley, and retain the civic centre building in its current location and for its current use in Stoke Town.
Councillor Jack Brereton
Deputy Leader of the Conservative Group
19 Dunsford Avenue, Baddeley Green, Stoke-on-Trent, ST2 7PJ
Home mobile: 07855 916134
Work: jack.brereton@stoke.gov.uk
Dear Ian

Thank you for your email.

I would like to express my agreement with the preferred option 3a. I think proposal 4 is an exceptional risk the Council simply should not be taking, a huge number of residents in my ward have been in contact with me expressing their anger at this ridiculous wasteful decision. Whilst I agree with the need to consolidate office space and sell of some buildings to reduce long term costs, I feel the total abandonment of Stoke Town is totally unacceptable. The arguments that have been put that the Stoke Town package will be more attractive to developers remains totally unsubstantiated, meaning the move will likely impact on business in the Town. The Civic Centre should be a part of the consolidation of office space and could be utilised to a much greater extent than is currently the case, retaining a significant presence in Stoke Town. I also believe it is important for the Council to be supporting the creation of a CBD, but I don’t agree that it is necessary for the Council to invest all its resource in one extremely risky basket. Option 4 as you have pointed out ‘scores poorly on terms of deliverability’, the chances for failure are very high, with the potential economic success of the entire CBD project remaining untested by the market.

I continue to express my opposition to the current proposals.

Best Regards

Cllr Jack Brereton
Councillor Janine Bridges
14 Scragg Street, Packmoor, Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 4QL
Home: 01782 851842
Work mobile: 07717 714205
Home mobile: 07989 385631
Work: janine.bridges@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Abi Brown
Leader of the Conservative Group
83 The Wood, Meir, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 6HR
Home mobile: 07793 844169
Work: abi.brown@stoke.gov.uk
Dear Ian

Since being first elected in 2010, I have regularly spoken in Council of my desire to see rationalisation of the Council's many and varied assets - however my hope was to see this enacted to the benefit of the towns, rather than their detriment.

The proposal to move the Civic Centre wholesale to Hanley is unnecessary; the Town & Kings Hall section of the Civic Centre are underutilised and yet much admired, whilst the modern Civic Centre block is relatively new, build specifically to the Council's specifications and has recently benefited from an extensive makeover. From conversations with officers based in Stoke, I am aware that they feel proud of their support for the town centre and do not wish to be moved to Hanley, with concerns over parking of significant concern.

I have received ever increasing numbers of emails and letters from residents across the city questioning this decision, and agree with the sentiments of many, that this is an unnecessary gamble. I therefore will not be supporting this proposal.


Abi Brown
Councillor Karen Clarke
c/o Member Services Division, Business Services Directorate, Civic Centre, Glebe Street, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 1HH
Work mobile: 07917 270594
Work: karen.clarke@stoke.gov.uk
Thanks for your email and I quite understand the concerns people have as very little of the detailed information has been made available to provide reassurance. I have forwarded your email to the Chief Executive and asked him how he can make available the papers you have requested and of course I will respond when I have heard back. In the meantime, I would point out that the driving force behind the move is to act now to encourage more businesses in to our city. This is because the government plans to cut Stoke-on-Trent’s funding massively by having us keep only the business rates we raise. As I’m sure you know we collect only a small fraction in business rates of the actual amount we are provided from central government to fund the services we have in the city. If we don’t raise more business rates the cuts we will face make those already upon us look like small change.

I will be in touch as soon as I can.

Kind Regards


Labour Councillor Karen Clarke
Councillor Randolph Conteh
84 Newcastle Lane, Penkhull, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 5DR
Home: (01782) 256869
Home mobile: 07920 835902
Work: randolph.conteh@stoke.gov.uk
As you know, I am actually the Councillor for “Penkhull & Stoke” which includes the area Civic Centre sits in and originally heard about the (proposed) move to Hanley from the front page of the Sentinel!!

I am also a member of the “Stoke Town Shadow Regeneration Board”-once again- no mention of the proposed move at any of the previous meetings i

(I was very poorly for a long while last year, but as the Stoke Councillor, a personal invite by the-powers-that-be, to discuss the (proposed) Civic-move would have been courteous, to say the least!)

I did attend a public meeting in Stoke, (September 13th 2012) organised by the Socialist Party and spoke out against the move, but won’t be attending anymore as I’m a (City) Independent and am not affiliated to any political party.

I also supported the SOS Petition, at a previous Full-Council and recommended it be sent for Scrutiny, as per our constitution, but the Majority Councillors voted it out!!

In conclusion, although I 100% support the efforts of people-power, against the move of the Civic Centre, although I won’t be getting involved personally, with e.g. the March to Stoke etc, but  will continue by “chipping away” against the move, through the Council process, down at the City Council

Councillor David Conway
Leader of the City Independents Group
9 Medway Walk, Mill Hill, Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 7HP
Home: (01782) 790922
Work: david.conway@stoke.gov.uk
Has submitted the below motion to the Full Council meeting 23rd January.

In view of the dire economic circumstances, globally, nationally and in particular, devastatingly, locally in Stoke-on-Trent, and in light of widespread public disapproval of the council’s previous decision to borrow £40m, and rising, of taxpayers money to relocate the civic headquarters from Stoke Town to Hanley, this council:

1) radically rethink it’s overall strategy of the future regeneration of the city centre and the city of Stoke-on-Trent as a whole, and whilst the strategy is revised, the £40m proposed borrowing for the Central Business District contained in the council approved capital programme be suspended.

2) request the Cabinet to rescind the decision to move the civic headquarters from Stoke Town to Hanley, and retain the civic centre building in its current location and for its current use in Stoke Town.
Councillor Terry Crowe
Lord Mayor
7 Trentway Close, Bucknall, Stoke-on-Trent, ST2 9JR
Home: 01782 269422
Home mobile: 07818 044755
Work: terry.crowe@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Neil Day
10 Fir Tree Road, Lightwood, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 7HL
Home: 01782 598844
Home mobile: 07796 040002
Work: neil.day@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Alan Dutton
5 Heyburn Crescent, Westport Gardens, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 4DL
Home: 01782 824051
Home mobile: 07982 231567
Work: alan.dutton@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Terence Follows
34 Starwood Road, Lightwood, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 7EP
Home: (01782) 318127
Home mobile: 07944 055379
Work: terence.follows@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Matthew Fry
22 Parkfield Road, Dresden, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 4NT
Work mobile: 07826 891801
Work: matthew.fry@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Joy Garner
57 Greenbank Road, Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 7EX
Home: (01782) 768846
Home mobile: 07986 442770
Work: joy.garner@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Martin Garner
57 Greenbank Road, Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 7EX
Home: 01782 768846
Work: martin.garner@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Debra Gratton
c/o Member Services Division, Business Services Directorate, Civic Centre, Glebe Street, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 1HH
Work: Member Support Team: 236663
Work mobile: 07917 854981
Work: debra.gratton@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Olwen Hamer
c/o Member Services Division, Business Services Directorate, Civic Centre, Glebe Street, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 1HH
Home mobile: 07717 714207
Work: olwen.hamer@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Gwen Hassall
29 Watermeadow Grove, Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 5GJ
Home: 01782 263166
Home mobile: 07557 848765
Work: gwen.hassall@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Peter Hayward
133 Allerton Road, Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 8PQ
Home: 01782 644052
Work mobile: 07920 835839
Work: peter.hayward@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Shazad Hussain
55 Trentham Road, Dresden, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 4DU
Home mobile: 07899 771815
Work: shazad.hussain@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Ann James
Deputy Leader of the City Independents Group
14 Uplands Avenue, Chell, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 6SN
Home: 01782 836766
Work: ann.james@stoke.gov.uk
In July 2008 Peter KB & I called in the Strategic Partner Proposal Delivery. This was to move to the New proposed Business Quarter. The intention was to kick start the Business Quarter in Hanley. The only difference with this proposed move, there is no Strategic Partner YET planned.

At that time there was the same concerns, ie.

What plans are in place for Stoke when they vacate the Civic Centre.

How will over costs be funded?

Where is it in the policy framework? etc

It is strange that this Chief Exectutive in 2010 advise against this move, what has changed.

They could not answer the question then, nothing has changed. At least
at that time it went to scrutiny, this has not been allowed this time, even although Dave Conway tried to move a motion at Full Council, Labour out voted the opposition.

At the time that this council is making cuts to front line services, redundancies, the present economic situation in the country, this move should not go ahead. There is no evidence that it will bring in jobs, the Council are making people redundant to pay for the move.

If this move goes ahead my concern is they will then look for a Strategic Parnter and follow Staffordshire County Council, what happens to the New Civic Centre then?

If this move goes ahead Labour will have fullfilled there orginal Plan in 2008.

Councillor Gurmeet Singh Kallar
14 Birchdown Avenue, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 7EW
Home mobile: 07900 604232
Work: gurmeetsingh.kallar@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Majid Khan
Home mobile: 07989 441707
Work: majid.khan@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Adrian Knapper
Home mobile: 07714 334453
Work: adrian.knapper@stoke.gov.uk
Thank you for your email your concerns have been noted
Councillor Andy Lilley
Cemetery Lodge North, Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST2 7AB
Home mobile: 07717 714010
Work: andy.lilley@stoke.gov.uk
I resigned from the Labour Party on a pure and simple point of basic, Labour principles, born out of Unionism, which gave birth to the Labour movement.

Whilst I supported Mandate for Change and CBD polices whilst within the Labour Group, thankfully I grasped the nettle, and am proud to remain loud and proud on true socialism and the representation for the people, by the people, as set out in ALL union constitutions.

I can never allow my name or values to be applied to a proposal that will see an administration such as ours, to sign up the people of this city to £55 million of debt, whilst seeking to claw back £2 million of this debt from the pockets of our most vulnerable and lowest paid staff, who provide front-line and essential services, for the people who the say the represent, but are clearly in for their own careers and personal gain.

I hope the march sends out a clear message to the Labour Party of Stoke on Trent and I would hope that those members, on those benches, take a long, hard, look inside their selves and realise their failings.

In solidarity, Cllr Andy Lilley, Baddeley, Milton & Norton ward
Councillor Mark Meredith
C/o Member Services, Stoke Town Hall, Glebe Street, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 1HH
Work mobile: 07717 714020
Work: mark.meredith@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Shaun Pender
68 Beresford Crescent, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 3RH
Home: 01782 632104
Home mobile: 07825 142327
Work: shaun.pender@stoke.gov.uk
Dear Anne,

Thank you for your email. The rationale underpinning the relocation to Hanley is 
complex so I will ask the relevant cabinet holder to provide a comprehensive
response to your question. If you would then like to discuss this issue further
then I would be happy to meet up with you.

Kind regards
Councillor Mohammed Pervez
Leader of the Council / Leader of the Labour Group
Home: 01782 232468
Work: mohammed.pervez@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Sheila Pitt
Deputy Lord Mayor
196 Hoveringham Drive, Eaton Park, Stoke-on-Trent, ST2 9PP
Home mobile: 07957 948896
Work: sheila.pitt@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Andy Platt
16 Butler Street, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 1EG
Home mobile: 07919 660221
Work: andy.platt@stoke.gov.uk
Has called the March on Stoke group “Trotskyists, racists, petit-nationalists, doom-sayers etc. etc. and hangers on!!” via twitter
Councillor Tom Reynolds
c/o Member Services Division, Business Services Directorate, Civic Centre, Glebe St, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 1HH
Work mobile: 07850 828717
Work: tom.reynolds@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Ruth Rosenau
190 Star and Garter Road, Lightwood, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 7HJ
Home: 01782 501940
Home mobile: 07870 503575
Work: ruth.rosenau@stoke.gov.uk
Dear Mr Norris

The King Sturge report pre dates the opportunity to align the CBD with localities work and the desire to improve services and efficiency - it was assumed that it was back office functions only that would re locate there - in essence the King Sturge report recognised we needed 12 months to agree what the wider plans should be. As we are now at least 18 months down this path we have been able to amalgamate these 2 areas.

Regards Councillor Rosenau

Councillor Paul Shotton
Deputy Leader of the Council / Deputy Leader of the Labour Group
Work: 01782 434445
Work: paul.shotton@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Duncan Walker
14 Borrowdale Road, Norton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 8DL
Home: 01782 912422
Home mobile: 07748 504149
Work: duncan.walker@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Lee Wanger
34 Plex Street, Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 5JQ
Home mobile: 07971 303729
Work: lee.wanger@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Glenys Ward
60 Maythorne Road, Blurton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 3AE
Home: 01782 312670
Home mobile: 07922 909545
Work: glenys.ward@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Alastair Watson
2 Brunswick Place, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 3DD
Home mobile: 07736 837822
Work: alastair.watson@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Amjid Wazir
11 Croston Street, Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 4NX
Home mobile: 07747 830461
Work: amjid.wazir@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Alison Wedgwood
The Long Close, Rectory Road, Hollington, Stoke-on-Trent, ST10 4HH
Home mobile: 07968 477901
Work: alison.wedgwood@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Debbie Wheeldon
22 Sherwood Road, Lightwood, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 7BX
Home: 01782 595043
Home mobile: 07870 777807
Work: debbie.wheeldon@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply
Councillor Matt Wilcox
3A Palmerston Street, Joiners Square, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 3EU
Home mobile: 07810 825600
Work: matt.wilcox@stoke.gov.uk
No Reply


  1. Nice to see democracy in action "NOT"
    These people have no intention of listening to rationalle arguments against this madness which will (again) leave the tax-payer with a hefty bill to pay back.

  2. In response to Councillor Randolph Conteh, who IS Actually the Councillor for “Penkhull & Stoke” which includes the area Civic Centre sits in. He did attend a public meeting in Stoke, (September 13th 2012) organised by the Socialist Party and he spoke out against the move, but he won’t be attending any more as he is a (City) Independent and not affiliated to any political party.
    He Is 100% in support of the efforts of people-power,
    against the move of the Civic Centre, although he won’t be getting involved personally, with e.g. the March to Stoke etc, but he will continue by “chipping away” against the move, through the Council process, down at the City Council.

    What a waste of time Mr Conteh is as A Stoke Councillor, we would be better represented by Andy Capp the Cartoon Character.

    What does he mean when he says that he will "continue by 'chipping away' against the move, through the Council process, down at the City Council"?

    Surly as a (City) Independent and you not being affiliated to any political party, you should be standing up for the people in Stoke and not just talking about “chipping away” down at the City Council while drinking tea and talking rubbish.

    What use are you? If you can do NOTHING for the people of Stoke?

    Time for a New Councillor for Stoke I think.

    MC Penkhull
